House of Yoga LogoClass Pass

New to Yoga

Welcome home, Yogi!
We're so happy you found us! The best way to familiarize yourself with our offers is to purchase one of our trial membership cards! You can either purchase a single class or the monthly trial card, in which you decide when to start!

All of our classes marked with difficulty level 1 are particularly suitable for beginners, such as our Hatha, Easy Flow, Yin or Candlelight classes.

The studio opens 20 minutes before the beginning of class, so you have enough time to arrive and change your clothes, have a cup of tea on our comfortable couch, or browse through our Yogi Shop.

Please also read our Yogi etiquette guide, because there you might find answers to questions you have always asked yourself about yoga, the process, the preparation and everything else around it.

Come by anytime and enjoy your personal yoga with us! Just make yourself at home!

Keine Einheiten geplant.

Yoga Etiquette

This Yoga Etiquette is our guideline for a harmonious flow in and around the yoga studio and during the classes!

Please read through these guidelines thoroughly, as they might already answer a question or two you might have!

Get to the classes on time

The studio opens at least 20 minutes before class starts, so you have enough time to get changed and prepare. You are welcome to spend the time until the start of the class in the yoga room, because your yoga starts long before the class begins. So be proactive and plan enough time for a relaxed transition from everyday life to your yoga practice - your mind will slowly come to rest even before the practice.

Use the time before your class and enjoy the silence

The Yoga studio is a place of rest and should be entered with respect. Show respect for all other students by carefully unrolling your mat and enjoying the quality of silence. A short meditation, relaxation or a gentle warm-up is perfect as an introduction to the class itself. When the gong sounds, the Yoga session begins.

Look after your body

In order to be well prepared for practice, make sure to drink enough water throughout the day. It's best to practice on an empty stomach and to avoid rich meals 2-3 hours before the practice.

Pack your Yoga bag

Take light, comfortable, tight-fitting sportswear with you: tank top, sports bra and shorts or leggings - please do not practice in beach wear or underwear! Please take off your shoes and also your socks, because you will practice barefoot. Pack two towels in your bag and you are ready to go. If you forget them, you can also borrow some from us in the studio. Just ask us.

Avoid strong perfumes and body odours

Note that not all people have the same scent preferences, and what smells good for one person can be very annoying for another. Inner and outer purity are very important in yoga, so feel free to take a shower before class to literally wash away the daily grind.

Switch off all electronic devices

Give yourself this free time, in which you want to be undisturbed and completely with yourself, and leave your mobile phone switched off in your locker. Please also leave all other worldly objects like bags or watches outside.

Inform the teacher

Let your yoga teacher know before the start of the class if you have any health problems (injuries, illnesses, etc.) or if you are pregnant. This way we can find alternative positions for you during the class and respond well to you and your needs.

Listen to yourself

Concentrate on the asanas and listen to your body: where is your pain threshold? Accept it and do not go beyond it. Treat your body with love: it is the house of your soul. Focus your attention on yourself and less on others, because yoga is not a competition. Give your best and get into the habit of not judging yourself. Most importantly, be mindful and attentive in the present moment.

Stick to the sequence of exercises given by the teacher

In the group classes, it is important that all yogis participate and perform the same exercises. Individual practice in guided classes unnecessarily distracts other students and disturbs the harmonious flow of the class. For more practiced students or beginners, the teacher will show different variations to avoid under- or overstraining.


The deep relaxation phase at the end is called "Savasana" and is an important part of the yoga practice in which your body will absorb and store all the positive effects of the practice. Afterwards, you will feel pleasantly refreshed and rested, and after a joint "Namasté" or OM you will feel present and relaxed in your body.

Help us to keep order in the studio

Sometimes you sweat a lot during yoga, so please just wipe the place around your mat dry again. When you leave the room, be careful not to slip and hang the mats on the designated stands to dry. Please also put all other tools and materials back into the designated storage areas. To keep the showers clean for everyone, please use them only for washing and do things like shaving at home.

Practice regularly

A regular yoga practice brings many benefits to your body and mind and is so much better than a one-off effort! Make a fixed appointment for your yoga practice and your body and soul will thank you in the long run!

Take some time for a cup of tea

We are a community of practitioners and learners and would be happy if you stay for a cup of tea or a chat. Change your clothes or grab a towel to put underneath and enjoy spending some time with us on the couch! :)

We at the House of Yoga are looking forward to meeting you and practicing together!
Thank you for your mindfulness.


Hot Inferno Pilates

Have you heard of Hot Inferno Pilates (HIP) or Inferno Hot Pilates (IHP)? This is a new and very effective training method! Inferno Hot Pilates is a high Intensity interval workout, which creates lean muscle mass, burns fat (accelerates metabolism and provides up to 48 hours of afterburning!) and improves overall fitness. It strengthens the entire trunk, improves circulation and flexibility - noticeable from the first session! You train HIP, IHP or HIIT in a heated room (at about 35 degrees) on a yoga mat, which reduces the stress on joints and muscles to a minimum. You practice to cool music, which adds to the training an additional motivational kick and fun factor (a little like going out)!


For all levels

Yoga for beginners

This unit is suitable for all Yoga beginners and for all those who would like to take it slowly again. Yoga is about breathing, movement and meditation. This can be confusing at the beginning. Am I breathing correctly? Am I doing all exercises correctly? - These are questions that we yoga teachers often hear. In this yoga unit you will learn the most important yoga poses, the sun salutations and the basic breathing and meditation techniques in an especially careful, step by step manner. You will also learn what you need to pay special attention to in order to avoid injury.


Suitable for all levels.

Open Basic Course

In the open basic course it is possible to join and participate at any time. In each unit, the Basic Asanas/Pranayama/Meditation and relaxation techniques are explained, practiced and repeated in detail. In this way, a solid foundation is created on which a healthy, meaningful yoga practice can be built. This basic course is also suitable for completely unathletic people. Everyone gets the time he or she needs to find his or her personal yoga flow.


Restorative Sound Healing

Some energizing asanas as well as a lot of time to enjoy are offered by the Sound Healing class. The unique sound of a singing bowl soothes and gives strength and appeals to the original trust in people. The sounds radiate a healing effect on body and mind - in the final sound relaxation phase, the letting go happens, supported by wonderful scents and a dream journey at the end of the class.


Physio Yoga

In meinen Stunden möchte ich dir die Erfahrung von Ruhe und Entspannung ermöglichen, sowie deinem Körper zu gesteigerter Flexibilität und Kraft verhelfen, damit du gestärkt in den Alltag zurückkehren kannst. Besonderen Wert lege ich dabei als Yogatherapeutin auf eine schonende und ergonomische Ausführung der Bewegungsabläufe, sowie ausreichend Zeit zum Nachspüren und sanfte Korrektur der Yogapositionen. Der allgemeine Gesundheitszustand soll auf optimale Weise unterstützt und Selbstheilungskräfte angeregt werden. Ein ganzheitliches Einbeziehen von Körper, Geist und Seele fördert ein ungehindertes Fließen der Lebensenergien und somit einen ausgeglichenen Energiehaushalt.



HathaElements ist eine  Hatha-basierte Einheit, die sich an der Essenz des Yogaorientiert: der Natur. Wir übenKörperhaltungen (Asanas), Atemtechniken (Pranayamas) und Bewegungen, die unsüber den Tellerrand der klassischen Yogapositionen hinausblicken lassen. HathaElements trägt dazu bei, den Körper zu kräftigen, den Geist zu beruhigen unddie Rückverbindung zur Seele zu erlangen. Das Ziel: ein harmonisiertes undenergiegeladenes Wohlgefühl.


Suitable for all levels.

Easy Flow

Easy Flow ist für alle Flow Einsteiger, Anfänger und regelmäßige Flow Besucher, die es etwas ruhiger angehen möchten. Hier lernst du Schritt für Schritt die Flow Übergänge sowie eine korrekte Ausführung der Positionen kennen. In dieser Klasse wirst du ideal für alle weiteren Flowklassen vorbereitet, sie ist aber auch wunderbar geeignet für alle, die in ihrer Flowpraxis ihr Basiswissen auffrischen möchten. Die Bewegungen werden mit dem Atem synchronisiert und von moderner Musik unterstützt. In jeder Stunde entsteht eine neue, abwechslungsreiche Abfolge.


Suitable for all levels.

Yoga for the Spine

In this lesson the focus is on counteracting one-sided strain on your back. Through selected yoga exercises, the flexibility of the spine is supported, the muscles are strengthened, tensions are released and physical complaints are prevented. Knowledge of healthy posture is also taught. Your body and mind are given the opportunity to calm down and reduce stress.


Suitable for all levels.

Yin Yoga

In these gentle and calm classes, you will dive even deeper into a state of relaxation by making yourself comfortable in the Yoga poses using various props, such as blocks, straps and pillows. Here, asanas (Yoga poses) are mainly practiced in a sitting or supine (laying) position and held for about three to five minutes. Due to the long time spent in the individual poses, the deeper structures of your body, such as ligaments, tendons, joints and fascial tissue are stimulated and stretched. Yin Yoga also has a strong meditative and regenerating character and thus has a calming effect on your mind.


Suitable for all levels.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a practice that is becoming increasingly popular both as a form of meditation and as mind-body therapy. It is the Yoga of conscious sleep. Therein lies the secret of self-healing. Yoga Nidra is a technique in which the distractions of thought are dissolved and the mind is relaxed. Practitioners report that Yoga Nidra often brings immediate physical benefits such as less stress and better sleep, and has the potential to heal psychological wounds. It is also said that one session of Yoga Nidra corresponds to up to four hours of sleep. After this passive, deeply relaxing meditation practice, which is practiced while lying down, you will experience a particularly deep sense of peace and well-being and feel miraculously balanced and refreshed.


Suitable for all levels.

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