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Our basic courses

You don't feel fit enough for our open classes yet and don't know what a sun salutation is? Then visit one of our regular basic yoga classes.

Our beginners' classes are for all those who have always wanted to try yoga or refresh their foundation.  You will finally learn more about yoga and how to bring more relaxation and balance into your daily life. Here you will learn in a small group all the important positions and basic concepts in Yoga.

Afterwards, you can participate in our open drop-in level 1 yoga classes without any difficulties. A basic course with us is your ideal introduction to yoga.

In 6 Einheiten zu je 90 Min. erlernst du die Yoga Basics, d.h. die Grundlagen werden genau erklärt und präzise erarbeitet.
Diesen aufbauenden Kurs kannst du ganz ohne Vorkenntnisse besuchen.

Due to the small number of participants (12-15 participants at most) the yoga teacher is able to focus on each individual.

Keine Einheiten geplant.

When booking an appointment you will be redirected to the Eversports website.
All courses can also be booked and paid for directly in our studio.


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